The Linux file system is hierarchical, meaning directories can contain other directories and files.
Each directory has a specific purpose, making it easier to organize and manage files.
Understanding the file structure is crucial for navigating and administering a Linux system effectively.

Linux employs a hierarchical file system, organized like an inverted tree, with the root directory (/) at the top. This structure ensures efficient organization and management of files and directories.

Root Directory (/) In Linux

The top-level directory in the Linux file system , All other directories and files reside within it.

Key Directories and Their Roles:

  1. Root Directory (/)
    The starting point of the file system. It Contains all other directories and files.
  1. /bin(/usr/bin)
    Contains Everyday user command-line utilities accessible to all users.
    Stores essential binary executables, accessible to all users.
    Example: ls, cp, mv, rm
  1. /boot
    -contain files that is used by boot loader.
    -Stores the boot loader and kernel images required to start the Linux system.
  1. /dev
    Contains device files representing hardware devices (e.g., hard drives, CD-ROMs, printers).
    Example: /dev/sda1, /dev/sdb1 (hard drives), /dev/cdrom (CD-ROM drive)
  1. /etc
    Contains system configuration files.
    Example: /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/fstab
  1. /home
    Contains user home directories, each with its own files and settings
    Example: /home/user1, /home/user2
  1. /lib(usr/lib)
    Stores shared libraries used by programs.
    contain c programming library files needed by commands and apps
    Example: /lib/
  1. /media
    Mount point for removable media.
    Example: USB drives, external hard drives
  1. /mnt
    Mount point for temporary file systems.
  1. /opt
    Contains optional software packages(Not Part of OS Applications).
  1. /root
    Home directory of the root user.It is not same as /.
  1. /sbin(/usr/sbin)
    Stores system administration tools, accessible only to root.
    Example: fdisk, mkfs
  1. /tmp
    Stores temporary files.
  1. /usr
    Contains most user programs and data.
    /usr/bin: User-level binaries
    /usr/lib: User-level libraries
    /usr/local: Locally installed software
    /usr/share: Shared data files
  1. /var
    Stores variable data, such as System logs, mail, and temporary files.
    Example: /var/log, /var/mail, /var/tmp
  1. /proc
    Virtual file system providing information about the system’s running processes and kernel.
  1. /sys
    Provides information about the system’s hardware and devices.

Mount point for removable media (USB drives, external hard drives).

Runtime files and directories, such as PID files and socket files.

Example Scenario:

Let’s say you want to install a new software package, my_app. Here’s how the file system might be affected:

  1. Installation: The package installer might create directories and files in /opt/my_app.
  2. Configuration Files: Configuration files for my_app might be placed in /etc/my_app.
  3. Executable Files: Executable files for my_app might be placed in /usr/local/bin.
  4. Library Files: Shared library files required by my_app might be placed in /usr/local/lib.
  5. Log Files: Log files generated by my_app might be placed in /var/log/my_app.

By understanding this hierarchical structure, you can efficiently navigate your Linux system, manage files, and troubleshoot issues.

Happy Learning..

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