Imagine you have a recipe book. The book has a general recipe for a cake, and you can follow that recipe to make a basic cake. However, you might want to create a special cake with different ingredients or decorations. In this case, you can override the general cake recipe with a new recipe that includes your specific modifications.

In Java, this is similar to method overriding. A method is like a recipe, and a class is like a recipe book. When a class inherits from another class (like a child recipe book inheriting from a parent recipe book), it can override methods defined in the parent class. This means it can provide its own specific implementation for that method.

Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

  • Method Overriding: When a subclass defines a method with the same name, return type, and parameters as a method in its superclass, it’s called method overriding.
  • Rules: The overridden method in the subclass must have the same signature (name, return type, and parameters) as the superclass’s method. It can have the same or a more accessible access modifier (e.g., public, protected, default, private).
  • Polymorphism: Method overriding is closely related to polymorphism, which allows objects of different types to be treated as if they were of the same type.


class Animal {
    public void makeSound() {
        System.out.println("Generic animal sound");

class Dog extends Animal {
    public void makeSound() {

In this example, the Animal class has a makeSound() method that prints a generic sound. The Dog class inherits from Animal and overrides the makeSound() method to print “Woof!” instead.

Benefits of Method Overriding:

  • Code Reusability: You can reuse the code from the superclass while providing specific implementations in the subclass.
  • Flexibility: It allows you to create more specialized behavior for different subclasses.
  • Polymorphism: It enables you to write more flexible and maintainable code.

Remember: When you call a method on an object, the appropriate version based on the object’s actual type is executed. This is why method overriding is essential for creating polymorphic behavior in Java.

Real-World Examples of Method Overriding in Java

1. Geometric Shapes:

Base Class (Shape):

class Shape {
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a shape");

Subclasses (Circle, Rectangle):

class Circle extends Shape {
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a circle");

class Rectangle extends Shape {
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a rectangle");


Shape shape1 = new Circle();
Shape shape2 = new Rectangle();

shape1.draw(); // Output: Drawing a circle
shape2.draw(); // Output: Drawing a rectangle

2. Vehicle Types:

Base Class (Vehicle):

class Vehicle {
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Starting the vehicle");

Subclasses (Car, Motorcycle):

class Car extends Vehicle {
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Starting the car engine");

class Motorcycle extends Vehicle {
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Starting the motorcycle engine");


Vehicle vehicle1 = new Car();
Vehicle vehicle2 = new Motorcycle();

vehicle1.start(); // Output: Starting the car engine
vehicle2.start(); // Output: Starting the motorcycle engine

3. Animal Sounds:

Base Class (Animal):

class Animal {
    public void makeSound() {
        System.out.println("Making a generic animal sound");

Subclasses (Dog, Cat):

class Dog extends Animal {
    public void makeSound() {

class Cat extends Animal {
    public void makeSound() {


Animal animal1 = new Dog();
Animal animal2 = new Cat();

animal1.makeSound(); // Output: Woof!
animal2.makeSound(); // Output: Meow!

Key Points:

  • In each example, the base class provides a generic implementation of a method.
  • The subclasses override this method to provide their specific implementation.
  • This allows for polymorphism, where objects of different subclasses can be treated as objects of the base class.
  • This promotes code reusability and flexibility.

Method overriding vs polymorphism

Method overriding and polymorphism are closely related concepts in object-oriented programming, but they have distinct meanings:

Method Overriding:

  • Occurs when a subclass defines a method with the same name, return type, and parameters as a method in its superclass.
  • The subclass’s method overrides the superclass’s method.
  • When an object of the subclass calls the overridden method, the subclass’s version is executed.


  • The ability of objects of different types to be treated as if they were of the same type.
  • It allows you to write more flexible and maintainable code.
  • Method overriding is one of the mechanisms that enables polymorphism.


  • Method overriding is a key component of polymorphism.
  • When you have a base class and subclasses that override methods, you can treat objects of those subclasses as if they were of the base class type. This allows you to write code that can work with objects of different types without knowing their exact type at compile time.


class Animal {
    public void makeSound() {
        System.out.println("Generic animal sound");

class Dog extends Animal {
    public void makeSound() {

public class MethodOverridingExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Animal animal = new Dog();
        animal.makeSound(); // Output: Woof!

In this example:

  • The Dog class overrides the makeSound() method defined in the Animal class.
  • When you create an object of Dog and assign it to an Animal reference, you can call the makeSound() method on it, and the Dog class’s version of the method will be executed.
  • This demonstrates polymorphism, as the animal variable can hold objects of different types (in this case, Dog), but the same method can be called on all of them, and the appropriate implementation will be executed based on the actual type of the object.

In summary:

  • Method overriding is a specific mechanism for implementing polymorphism.
  • Polymorphism is a broader concept that allows objects of different types to be treated as if they were of the same type.
  • Method overriding is essential for achieving polymorphism in object-oriented programming.

A Deeper Dive into Method Overriding with Two Subclasses

Scenario: A Vehicle Rental Service

Let’s consider a vehicle rental service with two types of vehicles: cars and motorcycles. Both vehicles share common functionalities like starting, stopping, and renting. However, they also have specific behaviors.

Base Class (Vehicle):

class Vehicle {
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Starting the vehicle");

    public void stop() {
        System.out.println("Stopping the vehicle");

    public void rent() {
        System.out.println("Vehicle rented");

Subclasses (Car, Motorcycle):

class Car extends Vehicle {
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Starting the car engine");

    public void honk() {
        System.out.println("Honking the car horn");

class Motorcycle extends Vehicle {
    public void start() {
        System.out.println("Starting the motorcycle engine");

    public void accelerate() {
        System.out.println("Accelerating the motorcycle");


public class VehicleRental {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Vehicle vehicle1 = new Car();
        Vehicle vehicle2 = new Motorcycle();

        vehicle1.start(); // Output: Starting the car engine
        vehicle1.honk(); // Output: Honking the car horn; // Output: Vehicle rented

        vehicle2.start(); // Output: Starting the motorcycle engine
        vehicle2.accelerate(); // Output: Accelerating the motorcycle; // Output: Vehicle rented


  1. Base Class (Vehicle): This class defines common methods for all vehicles, such as start(), stop(), and rent().
  2. Subclasses (Car, Motorcycle): These subclasses inherit from the Vehicle class and override the start() method to provide specific implementations for starting a car or a motorcycle. They also have additional methods (honk() for cars and accelerate() for motorcycles) that are unique to each type of vehicle.
  3. Polymorphism: In the main method, we create objects of both Car and Motorcycle and assign them to a Vehicle reference. When we call the start() method on these objects, the appropriate implementation (either Car.start() or Motorcycle.start()) is executed based on the actual type of the object. This demonstrates polymorphism, where objects of different types can be treated as if they were of the same type.

Key Points:

  • Method overriding allows us to provide specific implementations for methods defined in the base class.
  • This promotes code reusability and flexibility.
  • Polymorphism enables us to write more generic code that can work with objects of different types.
  • In this example, we can use the same Vehicle reference to interact with both cars and motorcycles, making our code more adaptable.

Happy Learning…

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