August 2024

Spring Security

Understanding the SecurityContext in Spring Security

The SecurityContext is a thread-bound object that holds security information about the currently authenticated user during the lifecycle of a request. It’s essentially a container for user-related data, including authentication details, granted authorities, and session information.

Spring Security

Method Security

Method security allows you to protect individual methods within your service layer. It provides a fine-grained approach to authorization by enforcing access control at the method level.

Spring Security

User Details Service and Password Encoding

The UserDetailsService is a core component in Spring Security responsible for retrieving user information based on a given username. It’s the bridge between your application’s user data and Spring Security’s authentication mechanism.

Spring Security

Let’s Dive into Spring Security

Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable framework that provides security for Java applications. Its primary function is to handle authentication and authorization, ensuring that only authorized users can access specific resources and perform certain actions within an application.

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