Most Important Concepts In Spring Security

Spring Security in Spring Boot provides the “PasswordEncoder” interface for secure password storage. This interface enforces one-way transformations of passwords, meaning you can only encode a plain text password into a hashed format, but not reverse the process to retrieve the original password. This is crucial for protecting user credentials.

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Sealed Classes in Java: Enforcing Controlled Inheritance

Sealed Classes in Java are Introduced in Java 17 (JEP 409), sealed classes offer a powerful mechanism for developers to establish fine-grained control over inheritance hierarchies.This feature strengthens type safety, improves code maintainability, and enhances library design by restricting which classes can extend a sealed class.

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maven repository

Maven is an open-source build automation tool originally developed for Java projects, but it can also be used for projects written in other languages like C#, Ruby, and Scala. It’s essentially a project management tool that simplifies the development process by automating repetitive tasks like:

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